
Tile Prices

Each project can vary wildly in the amount of research and drawing, or making needed, so I price for each job, but for the majority the following will give you a general idea.

Your individual  initial  set of designs is included in the tile price  + I set of modifications.                                                                  NB.This work is charged for only  if the project is cancelled.
Further drawings will be charged at£50 each .                                                                                        New  glaze colour research for a project will be charged for at an agreed rate.

Prices are for the UK only. No V.A.T. is chargeable.                                                                                    Price reflects the  cost of materials and amount of work needed, so for example a panel using  multiple layered glazes costs more; it can include up to 30 glazes – each individual glaze has to be weighed,  made up, and then applied- It takes time!


Tile Prices for bespoke tiles on standard bisque.

These prices are a guideline based on current bisque [unglazed] tile, utility and materials costs. Bisque prices will be checked before ordering and prices confirmed.

Prices for work on standard bisque tiles-

  •  4″x 4″ – 103mm sq. x 6mm thick.
  • 6″ x 6″ – 153mm sq. x 6mm thick- most useful size for decoration.
  • 6″ x 3″-  152mm x 76cm x 9mm thick
  • 8″ x 4″-  198mm  x 98mm x 7mm thick. [ stock not always available].
‘Multiple glaze’ decorated in layers. £30- -£40
Decorated [ not layered glazes] £25- 30
Semi-decorated. eg minimal borders , corners etc. £12
Plain glazed* £3.20
Plain (crackle) glazed* £3.90
Tubelined technique [ requires extra work and firing]. +£4 on above
Additional costs per tile – as required
Cut glazed tiles, or strips, per cut [ sawn and ground]. + £2.00
Cutting corners on tile (4) per tile[ sawn + ground]. + £4.00
Rustic cut corners per tile + £1.50
*purple, orange, deep pink +£2 (extra cost of colour).

Handmade Clay Tiles.  Prices for bespoke tiles

These take much longer to make and being made from clay by hand are more rustic in finish.                                                                    N.B. Sizes for handmade clay tiles are approximate only.

Borders depending on size £8- £10.00
6″- 150mm £30- £40
5½” Agate ware £35.00
5″ -125mm £26.00
4″ -100mm £22.00
3″ – 3½” 80-90mm 12.00
2″- 50mm £4.00
1″- 25mm £2.00
6″ 150mm £25.00
5″ 125mm £22.00
4″ 100mm £18.00
3″ – 3½” 80-90mm £10.00
2″ 50mm £2.00
1″ 25mm £1.50

Frames at cost  from framer .                                                                                                                     To tile and grout and finish any frames.   @ £50 per hour.

Please click for for full terms and conditions.

FOR ALL WORK                                                                                                                                   For Colour samples sent to you.  –                                                                                                     A deposit of  £20 per board + whole tiles at full price.  These are FREE  if returned complete and undamaged. No vat is chargeable.
All post/ carriage and packing extra at cost.

All PACKING, POSTAGE / CARRIAGE are EXTRA at cost.                                                      If practical please collect tiles-                                                                                                              Packing safely for post or carriers is expensive. eg. 170 tiles = 5 large boxes [each 10kg+]                   = 8 hours wrapping and packing safely, added to cost of carrier!

Packing- I use as much recycled material as possible -greener and less expensive.