The subject, size, colour, etc. are amongst the things I discuss with clients before hand drawing with pencil on paper a series of coloured scale drawings.
When the design is agreed I then hand draw on paper a full sized drawing to work from.- Lay out the tile panel to the correct size, transfer the design and go from there!
Scale and full sized drawings on the wall. On the bench the hot wax cuerda seca outlines have been drawn onto the single tiles.
In the foreground glazes being applied individually to the wax outlines, with behind, the tile cranks packed with glazed border and decorated tiles ready for firing in the kiln to 900- 1000deg. The temperature depends on the different glazes being used.
Checking background colours against the partly finished panel.
Plain background tiles in a tile crank ready for firing . Mixing the different fired colours so that they blend well. Turquoises are a nightmare to produce!.
Aga alcove tile areas marked out by tiler Paul Bull and first parts of layout going up.
Major part of decorated tile panel now up. Numbered specially cut + glazed border tiles going in.
Tiler’s work complete. A complex layout with 3 different tile sizes.
Salmon tile panel – coloured scale drawings and full sized working drawing on the studio wall. I don’t draw on the computer, for me it looses the fluidity of the pencil lines.
Salmon tile panel [using 6″ 153 mm tiles]. This process is highly challenging using multiple layers of different glazes [ up to 30] painted on between the wax outlines to create the variation in the final colours.
Salmon tile panel . Detail of the head of the salmon after firing in the kiln.
After framing. The finished salmon tile panel . 4 feet 1″ long [+ frame]..
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